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Dear Upper School Families,

As the school year winds down, we’d like to thank you for your patience in navigating the complexities and volume of traffic that occurs each day at the Saratoga campus. We are continuing to brainstorm ways to reduce the consternation of your morning arrival and departures. Ultimately, our goal is to get your students into classes efficiently and safely while also minimizing the amount of time you spend idling in the loading areas.

To that end, we will be piloting a new traffic flow pattern in the morning beginning Mon., May 22 and concluding Thurs., June 1. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself by reading below and looking at the image in this email, which shows how we’d like you to enter and depart campus.
New map showing how to exit campus
FRONT LOADING ZONE: Nothing changes
BACK LOADING ZONE: Right turn only

When exiting campus from the back loading zone we are testing a new expedited exit through the parking lot across from Shah Hall which exits you past the pedestrian crosswalk. Exiting campus from the back loading zone also allows you the possibility to do a U-turn at Kiely to head to 280 North, 280 South or Saratoga Ave.

Here are also several tips that will help you navigate campus arrival beginning on Monday, May 22:
1. Prior to arriving on campus, plan out which loading zone works best for you and be prepared to flow with the appropriate direction of traffic. Be ready to exit a different way than you prefer, based on the current state of traffic.
2. Please pay close attention to the security personnel directing traffic.
3. Keep all intersections free. Exiting from front loading zone (turning left onto Saratoga), don't pull out until you have room to get fully into a lane on Saratoga. Exiting from back loading zone (turning right on Saratoga in preparation for making a U-turn at Kiely), don't pull out until you know you have room to cross those traffic lanes to the left-turn-only lane at Kiely,
4. Do not drop your students off on Saratoga Ave. or the apartment complex next door. The first is unsafe, and the second is illegal.
5. Lastly, arrive prior to 7:30 a.m. for a smooth entry and departure.
In advance, thank you for your support in keeping our traffic flow efficient and safe.
Ken Allen
Assistant Head of School, Student Affairs
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