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Summer Camp @ Harker
Dear Harker Families:
We’re looking forward to a great summer here at Harker in 2021 and we’re making it easy for you to gather the information you need to join us this summer!

Our K-5 Summer Camp Plus program provides both challenging academic curriculum options and fun, interesting activities. Our professional faculty, enthusiastic camp staff, great facilities and positive environment add up to a well-rounded summer experience for your child – just what you’d expect from Harker!

We encourage you to visit our website for more detailed summer information. You can also give us a call or email the summer office if you have any questions. We love to talk about summer!

Priority registration is now open! Current Harker families enrolling in our Summer Camp Plus program receive a special 10% discount if they register before May 7, 2021. Log in and reserve your spot now. To receive this special discount, use the code HkrStdt2021 when prompted on the online registration form.

Registration will open to the general public on Tuesday, Jan. 25.

Harker Summer Team
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Core Focus
Our core focus classes are tailored to maximize learning under the guidance of dedicated teachers. Students enrolled in this program experience a math and language arts focused curriculum. Students will also have the opportunity to experience hands on STEM and art lessons. All lessons are designed to reinforce existing skills while stretching a student’s creative and cognitive thinking at or above grade level.
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Out 'n' About
This very special one-week program will focus on character, collaboration, community and of course fun! Campers will learn about our local community and practice lifelong lessons in fun, creative ways. We will have special guests on campus to give us a hands-on look at their contributions to our cities and neighborhoods.
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June 21-July 2, July 6–July 16, July 19–July 30
Kindergarten is specially designed to prepare children for entering school in the fall. Mornings are filled with readiness lessons in math and language arts STEM and art. Children are engaged in school-day routines, small group instruction, hands-on centers and activities to further develop fine motor and social skills
View Kindercamp Details
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