Early online registration is highly recommended. You will be able to plan, view and print your own agenda and registration card before arriving. Events and talks fill up quickly. Avoid being disappointed. Register early!
Admission and lunch: $15; $10 for Harker students; admission only: $10; $5 Harker students. Breakfast and snacks for sale. Lunch purchased onsite: $7. The promo code for the discount is “early bird.”
Admission and Lunch: $20; ($15 for Harker students)
Admission Only ($15; $10 for Harker students)
Coffee, tea, water available throughout the day
Breakfast for Purchase (7:30 - 9 a.m.)
Admission and lunch: $30; $25 for Harker students; admission only: $25; $20 for Harker students. Breakfast and snacks for sale. Lunch purchased onsite: $10.
Dr. Jeff Dean – 9 a.m.
Google Senior Fellow in Google’s Research Group
Co-founder and leader of the Google Brain team
“Deep Learning and the Grand Engineering Challenges”
Dr. Andrew Beck – 1 p.m.
Co-Founder & CEO of Path AI
“Artificial Intelligence for more Accurate and Predictive Cancer Diagnostics”
Ramya Rangan ’12 – 2 p.m.
Doctoral Scholar, Stanford University
“Molecular Machines: Structure, Dynamics, and Design”