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Dear preschool parents:
We are excited to inform you that our summer program has a new format and structure this summer.
This year we will offer two sessions: a four-week and a three-week option. The first session, from June 25-July 20, is a four-week session and will have a simple structure that includes time each day for art. The second session is a three-week session, from July 23-Aug. 10 which includes music daily. Each session will have more time for outdoor exploration and play. A sample daily schedule is available on our website.

As we do during the school year, all children in both sessions will come together at the end of the day for open play and exploration during extended care.
Admission to our program has changed. We will now only be accepting incoming 3 year olds who have been admitted and registered to Harker Preschool for school year 2018-19. We feel this will help acclimate the children to their new surroundings and peers.

There will be one 4-year-old and transitional kindergarten class composed of existing Harker students (3 year olds promoting to the 4-year-old class and 4 year olds promoting to TK). We will open a second 4-year and TK class for our outside community; those children must be toilet trained and speak fluent English.
We hope you will join us for a fun-filled summer. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Register Today
Whendy Carter

Preschool Director
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