We look forward to having you join us at the upper school campus on Monday, April 14 for our Upper School Welcome Night event. The event is for families new to Harker as well as those who are returning.
There are two concurrent events, one for parents and one for students. Please RSVP by April 9 for both events.
Administrators and department directors will pass along key information to best prepare for your child starting high school at Harker. We will focus on the things you need to know and do this summer to prepare for the upcoming year. More information will be coming at our fall orientation. We will be recording the presentation for those who are unable to attend.
The information-packed evening will include:
welcome by administrators, brief overview of the division;
a how-to of the parent web portal, and the information you will find there;
a Q&A with the presenters;
social hour with food and drink following the presentation, and coffee and desserts after.
Upper school Link Crew students and your grade 9 dean look forward to welcoming the Class of 2029 together for the first time. Students will enjoy dinner, games and the opportunity to ask questions of an upper school student panel. Current Harker eighth graders who are buddies to new students will meet them at this event and arrive 30 minutes early, by 5:30 p.m. There is no homework for eighth graders this evening.