Tues., March 22
Caden Lin (Mitra Scholar) | 5:45-630 p.m.
Through structural adjustment programs and austerity measures, to what extent did the International Monetary Fund’s intervention in the Sierra Leonean debt crisis between the 1960s and 1980s instigate the nation’s decade-long civil war?
Mentors: Jenny Achten, Meredith Cranston
Mon., March 28
Nicole Tian (Near Scholar) | 3:45-4:30 p.m.
How did female reformers during the Progressive Era use the Brandeis Brief, legal history’s first brief based on sociological data, to advance modern labor standards at the cost of individual women’s rights in Muller v. Oregon by reinforcing their ascribed social role as mothers?
Mentors: Carol Green, Amy Pelman
Alina Yuan (Mitra Scholar) | 4:45-5:30 p.m.
How did World War II affect the literary landscape in Japan by expanding the modernist movement and initiating the Buraiha (Decadent School)? Did the Buraiha further alternative/ “anti-mainstream” cultures in order to help Japanese society recover from its postwar identity crisis? If so, how?
Mentors: Lauri Vaughan, Beth Wahl
William Zhao (Mitra Scholar) | 5:45-6:30 p.m.
During the 1970s, both Portugal and Spain made successful transitions from long-standing conservative, autocratic regimes to Western democracies. However, these successes were far from guaranteed, with extremist opposition. What were the similarities and differences between how these two countries approached this process? What circumstances hindered and expedited these two movements?
Mentors: Amy Pelman, Byron Stevens