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Fri., Oct. 5, 2018 I 5:30 p.m.
Upper School Campus | 500 Saratoga Ave., San Jose
Admission is free and no need to RSVP. Bring the family! Lots of pre-game and halftime fun!
SHUTTLE INFO: There is no drop-off or parking at the upper school campus for any students or spectators. Shuttle service between the middle school campus on Blackford Avenue and the upper school will begin at approximately 5:30 p.m. and continue until 30 minutes after the game’s conclusion. No cars will be allowed on the Saratoga Avenue campus at any time before, during or after the game. Also, do not park at the Lion Market shopping center across the street; they have informed us they are ready to tow any Harker cars they find.

See you tomorrow night. Go Eagles!

Schedule of Events
5:30 p.m.: Shuttle service from middle school campus on Blackford Avenue begins (see shuttle details below)
5:45 p.m.: Tailgates and food service begin
6:15 p.m.: Pregame entertainment begins
7 p.m.: Game time! Harker Eagles vs Santa Rosa's Elsie Allen High School
30 minutes after game: last shuttle back to Blackford


bullet Alumni and grade-level tailgates
bullet Food, food and more food, provided by Chef Steve and his awesome crew
bullet Performances by the Varsity Dance Troupe, the Jazz/Pep Band, the adorable Eaglets, and the upper school and junior cheerleaders!
bullet The national anthem and The Harker School Song sung by the upper school choir
bullet The annual upper school tug-of-war and introduction of the homecoming court
bullet Distinguished Alumni Award presentation to Teja Patil ’02
bullet Inaugural Harker Athletic Hall of Fame recipient presentations to Tanya Schmidt ’08 (volleyball); Jason Martin ’07 (baseball); Phyllis Carley (super fan); Adam Vucurevich ’02 (football, baseball, wrestling).
If you have questions about the game or the entertainment, please contact Greg Lawson at greg.lawson@harker.org. For questions about tailgate and food service, please contact Teré Aceves at tere.aceves@harker.org.
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