Later this month you will be receiving in the mail the first issue of Harker Magazine, our new biannual replacement for the Harker Quarterly. You can also view it now on our issuu feed. We invite you to get comfortable and browse the issue, enjoying the new features and profiles that capture the special community of Harker.
Over the course of the fall semester, middle school computer science students have been learning that software creation is about much more than knowing how to code. Utilizing the concepts defined in the Design Thinking Process (which is currently taught to graduate students at Stanford University), young programmers are learning how to create the best...
Of those listed below, what’s your favorite winter drink?
Hot chocolate with marshmallows
Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte
Last month’s poll: What’s your favorite Bay Area sports team? Hockey and baseball won the day, with 32% of respondents claiming the Sharks as their favorite team, and 28% loving the Giants.
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