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Update from Evan Barth: Middle School Happenings
Uniform Fit Event & Hilfiger Sale! Ends June 3
Lower School Spring Music Concert Video Available
Updates on Senior Trip and End of the Year Reminders
Upper School Programs/24-25 School Year
Grade 8 Promotion Information
View all stories at Harker News
Harker students teach English to children in rural China
Harker’s chapter of the National Chinese Honor Society organized a series of online classes over the summer to teach English to children in rural China.
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Senior chess enthusiast co-authors book on new opening strategy
Senior Vyom Vidyarthi recently co-authored a book with chess instructor Alberto Chueca.
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Eighth grade chess enthusiast has successful summer
Over the summer, eighth grader Dylan Tang saw success in multiple international chess tournaments.
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Lower School Spring Concert
Lower School Spring Concert
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