50th Anniversary of Earth Day: Wed., April 22, 2020
All Harker Webinar: 9:30 a.m.
You may recall that in the days before shelter in place we had been planning for Harker’s commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on Wed., April 22. We have revised our plan to adapt to our new environment, and the student Green Teams and members of the Sustainability Committee have come up with a celebration that we hope will include you, your children, and all our teachers and staff.
The Green Team has prepared a daily sustainability focal point for each of the days next week (see bottom of email). Each offers a specific action you can take for the day, the week, or on an ongoing basis that have a positive effect on Earth and its resources.
We hope you will join us for a webinar at 9:30 a.m. for all parents and students in grades 4 through 12, along with the corresponding faculty and all staff members.
Webinar Agenda (approximately 45 minutes)
Upper school Green Team introduces guest speaker
Mr. Yager closes the session and sends us on our way to celebrate the day
Concurrently, preschool cottages and lower school home rooms will meet on Zoom and talk about Earth Day with the students and suggest and/or demonstrate some activities in which the students (and you!) can participate.
The Green Team will also be posting a survey on Thursday so that we can get a sense of how people observed the day, and we’ll publish that result. They also suggest the use of social media to post memories of the day that can be shared within the community. Anecdotes and photos from the day can also be shared with news@harker.org.
We look forward to spending this historic Earth Day with you all!
Go (Green) Eagles!
Greg Lawson, Assistant Head of School for Student Affairs
The Harker Student Green Team