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Hello, Class of 2023!
We often hear wonderful stories about the accomplishments and plans of our alumni, and it is a source of pride and inspiration for the entire community. We’re always so thrilled to see you on the reunion trips and have welcomed hundreds of you on campus to share your talents and stories with our students. This year’s Harker Day was especially exciting as we launched our new annual reunion weekend activities and brought on board Karan Lodha ‘04, our new director of alumni programs, who has a message for you below.

It has become one of Harker’s priorities to deepen our communication with our alumni and to seek your guidance on how to improve and strengthen our programs and community. As former Harker students, you have so much knowledge and experience to offer that can help inform our future decisions.

To that end, we will periodically be seeking your input via surveys. This first survey requests your feedback on how Harker helped prepare you for your first year of college, and asks you to share your perspective on the Harker programs and individuals that most shaped who you are today. (Please note that your responses are not connected to your name or email address unless you choose to share that yourself.)
Complete the Survey
We thank you for the amazing example you continue to set for our community.
Brian Yager

It’s been a long time since we last connected. I still have precious memories of teaching and coaching many of you on the Blackford Ave. campus during the 2017-18 school year. I’m excited to be back at Harker working in this new alumni relations role, since it gives me a wonderful reason to reach out to all of you.

I hope that you will spend a few minutes to complete this survey, as I can tell you that I personally take the time to read each response and to consider how I might use your input to make Harker the best it can be for our current and future students. Thanks in advance for your time and for your part in building an incredible Harker community. I look forward to seeing you again soon, whether in San Jose or at a regional reception (more details to come on those soon!). Sincerely,
Karan Lodha ’04
Director of Alumni Relations
The cycle of these alumni surveys is to send in five-year increments corresponding to reunion years, as well as to send a special survey at the end of the first year of college, so that we can learn how your feedback evolves over time. Over the years we have heard many reflections about ways in which Harker prepared you and your classmates for the lives you have today. Bottom line, your feedback will help ensure that the Harker experience is one that our future alumni will look back on with pride and appreciation. This also creates a regular way to keep the lines of communication open for any suggestions and ideas you may have to help us be the best we can be.

Thank you for your part in building the incredible community that is The Harker School, and for taking a few minutes to give us your valuable feedback. As always, we love to see our alumni whenever they are in the area and remember that a great Harker lunch awaits you!
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